Man Smashes Window To Rescue Dog Trapped Inside Hot Car

A Virginia man jumped into action when he saw a puppy trapped inside of a car as the temperature climbed into the 80s on Tuesday (April 30) afternoon. Jason Minson noticed the black lab mix puppy sitting in the back seat of a car and walked over to see how it was doing.

The owner had left the rear window cracked open, but the puppy was clearly starting to feel the effects of the heat. Minson called 911 and was told that animal control officers were on the way. He gave the dog some water through the open window, and the dehydrated pup drank two full bottles.

"It's cruelty," Minson told WKTR. "Leaving a living being in conditions that hot is just cruel."

After about 20 minutes, Minson got tired of waiting for animal control to arrive so he smashed the window of the car and freed the puppy from the scorching hot vehicle.

"I honestly didn't think the dog would make it long enough for the fire department to get there," he said.

Animal control brought the dog to Norfolk Animal Care Center where it is doing fine. Authorities tracked down the puppy's owner, who has been identified as Kymoni Beverly and issued her a summons for having an animal in a motor vehicle. Beverly's dog will remain at the shelter until her court date.

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