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> September 2017
Koresh Dance Company/ Dennis Quaid and The Sharks
Strange Days/ Disney's Little Mermaid
Fairview Flea Fest/ Thunder From Down Under
Night Market Cleveland/ Sam Adams Octoberfest
Hunchback of Notre Dame/ Tribe v. White Sox
John Waite/ Pumpkin Beer Tasting
VNTG Fest/ Murder Mystery Dinner
Yacht Rock Brunch/ Ohio Gourd Show
"Hunchback of Notre Dame"/ Indians v. White Sox
Harvesting Hope/ "Shakespeare in Love" BTS
Purchase Presale Tickets to see Bret Michaels
GemStreetUSA Show/ End of Summer Block Party
Talk Like a Pirate Day/ Classical Revolution Cleveland
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"/ Ingenuity Fest
Movie Monday/ Taste of the Browns
Coming up This Week in Cleveland
"The Book of Mormon"/ Tremont Arts and Cultural Festival
"The Book of Mormon"/ Comedians Mike Polk Jr. and Bill Squire
Chalk Festival/ Ohiolina Music Festival
Mike Polk Jr. and Bill Squire/ Stevie Nicks
Outlaw Music Festival/ Back to School Swim Party
Indians v. Royals/ Comedian Theo Von
Movie Night/ Murder Mystery Dinner
Cleveland Stories Dinner Party/ Open Galleries
Tribe v. Tigers/ Acting Out! Fest
"The Book of Mormon"/ "Chopped" Watch Party
"Shakespeare in Love"/ Ladies Night Out
Pet Days on the Plaza/ Mike Polk Jr. and Bill Squire
Scott Brothers House Party/ Science Cafe
Coming up This Week in Cleveland
Woofstock/ "Shakespeare in Love"
Ed Sheeran/ Deep Purple and Alice Cooper
Our Lady of Angels Fall Festival/ Murder by the Falls
Flat Out Friday/ Tribe v. Orioles
Adult Swim/ Dance Showcase
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"/ Great Lake Erie Boat Float
Cleveland Pinball and Arcade Show/ Heights Music Hop
106.5 The Lake at Mattress Warehouse Monday September 4th
106.5 The Lake at Speed Cycle Express September 2nd
"Shakespeare in Love"/ Masthead Brewery Pup Club
Classical Revolution Cleveland/ Ladies Night Out