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> August 2018
Cleveland Orchestra/ Steely Dan Tribute
Oktoberfest/ Indians v. Tampa Bay Rays
Cleveland Keys Dueling Pianos/ St. Rocco Festival
The Scarlet Letter/ Wine and Wellness
Indians v. Twins/ Tom Bailey
Alpaca Yoga/ Gervasi Vineyard Drive-In
106.5 The Lake at Fresh Thyme Farmers Market August 23rd
Michael Jackson Birthday Party/ St. Rocco Festival
Indians v. Twins/ Dancing Under the Stars
Coming Up This Week in Cleveland
Cat Show/ Woodmere Music Festival
Cleveland Orchestra/ Silent Disco
Cleveland Garlic Festival/ Joann Family Fun Day
Depeche Mode Tribute/ John Witherspoon
PopUp Art Event/ Cleveland Orchestra
Browns v. Eagles/ Comedian Rod Paulette
Wine Tasting/ Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Hamilton/ Cole Swindell
Wade Oval Wednesday/ Summer in the City
106.5 The Lake at Fresh Thyme Farmers Market
Decorating on a Dime/ Hamilton
Dancing Under the Stars/ Cigar and Whiskey Tasting
Depeche Mode Tribute/ PopUp at the ArtCraft
Beatles vs. Stones/ Retro Tuesday
Coming Up This Week In Cleveland
Romanian Festival/ Great Lakes Medieval Faire
Hungarian Festival/ Great Lakes Opera
Sparx City Hop/ Beer and Metal Fest
Browns v. Bills/ Tribute to Neil Diamond
Fashion Show Preview Party/ Art Walk
Comedian Jim Norton/ Indians v. Orioles
Toad the Wet Sprocket/ Hamilton
Wade Oval Wednesday/ Summer in the City
Veils and Tails Bridal Fair/ Feast of the Assumption
Purchase presale tickets to see Dennis DeYoung
Retro Tuesday/ Hamilton
Beatles Presentation/ Dancing Under the Stars
Jim Norton/ Indians v. Orioles
Critter Tuesday/ Summer Concert Series
Coming Up This Week in Cleveland
Flat Out Friday/ Walkabout Tremont
Jim Breuer/ Whiskey and Women
106.5 The Lake at Raising Canes
"Menopause the Musical"/ Wade Oval Wednesday
Summer in the City/ Tribe v. Twins
Story Club Cleveland/ David Byrne
Dancing Under the Stars/ Enameling Art Class
Purchase presale tickets to see Bret Michaels
106.5 The Lake at Twilight at the Zoo August 3rd
Hamilton/ Boy George and Culture Club
Indians v. Twins/ Truck Stop Tuesday
Coming Up This Week in Cleveland
Cleveland Orchestra/ The Big Lebowski Screening
The Little Mermaid/ Cleveland Shakespeare Festival
Twins Day Festival/ Lakewood Arts Festival
Indians v. Angels/ Earthquake
Euclid Beach Live/ Fleetwood Mac Tribute
Ohio Burlesque Festival/ Zac Brown Band
McCartney Project/ Edgewater Live
Tony Hinchcliffe Podcast/ Menopause the Musical